Virtual Factory Tour

3 onnellista voi nyt voittaa matkan Caterpillarin tehtaalle Ranskan Grenobleen katsomaan koneiden valmistusta paikan päällä!
Olet mukana arvonnassa osallistumalla virtuaaliseen tapahtumaan.
Arvomme livetapahtuman osallistujien joukosta 2 onnellista voittajaa. Kun olet rekisteröitynyt, voit katsoa tapahtuman myös myöhemmin tallenteena. Arvomme lisäksi tallenteen katsojista 1 onnellisen voittajan sunnuntaina 21.11. klo 21.
Matka järjestetään vuonna 2022, Avesco Oy kattaa kaikki matkakulut. Ajankohdasta tiedotetaan vuoden 2022 alkupuolella.
Virtual Factory Tour
At the Avesco Roadshow, you have the opportunity to take part in a virtual factory tour of Caterpillar to the factories in Grenoble and Echirolles, France. The virtual factory tour is brand new to Caterpillar and Finland is one of the first countries where it is represented. The whole tour takes about an hour, so on the Roadshow we show about 15 minutes shortened round.
From the link below you can register and watch the full factory tour later in the privacy of your home couch the week after the tour. At the 60-minute event, the Cat Guide welcomes you, you watch machine and factory videos and you can be in direct contact with Caterpillar product and application specialists who you we can ask questions and comment.
A virtual factory tour gives you the same Caterpillar experience as if you were in a factory location on. You can take a behind-the-scenes look at how Cat machines are made. We go through all the production highlights, including areas that visitors usually cannot see. This tour has been developed for our customers who are curious to see their machines at birth, as well as machines assembly steps from start to finish.
What we do inside is visible to you outside. Welcome aboard!
The factory tour can be viewed on 16th and 18th of November between 16.00-17.00 o'clock.
Please register at: